The Royal Danish Defence College offers on this site an overview of courses offered by NORDEFCO partner countries.
The Nordic Defence Cooperation (NORDEFCO) consists of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. The overall purpose of NORDEFCO is to strengthen the participants’ national defence, explore common synergies and facilitate efficient common solutions.
NORDEFCO offers jointly a series of courses that may or may not be relevant to you as a student. On this site you will find an overview of the courses offered by the various nations. These courses are primarily level-7 courses (Masters level).
While course fees are paid by the offering nation, it is your own responsibility to ensure coverage of travel and lodging costs as well as ensuring that the selected course is recognized by your own nation where needed.
You can find contact information for any questions you may have to the relevant courses.
MMS FLEX Cyber Operation and Cyber War (COCW)
MMS FLEX Arktiske sikkerhedsstudier
MMS FLEX Stabilisering og væbnet konflikt i Sahelregionen
MMS FLEX Doktrinudvikling og operationskunst fra et militærhistorisk og krigsteoretisk perspektiv
MMS FLEX Rusland som militær stormagt
MMS grundmodul Militær Strategi (I)
MMS grundmodul Militær Strategi (II)
General information
Taught language at the course is outlined on the enrolment homepage but as a main rule, the advertised language will define the language in which the course is taught. Be aware that some courses have mandatory integrated travel activity (Europe, Africa and Greenland) as well as occasional mandatory presence in Denmark.
Language: Norwegian and English
Politikk, Strategi og Militærmakt
Language: Norwegian
Language: Norwegian
Language: Norwegian
Language: Norwegian
Language: Norwegian
Human security including protection of civillians, child protection and gender topics
Language: English
Dates: 16th January– 3th February 2023
Credits: 5 ECTS
General information
Currently no courses offered at this level.
Currently no courses offered at this level.
Currently no courses offered at this level.
Currently no courses offered at this level.
Currently no courses offered at this level.
Currently no courses offered at this level.
Currently no courses offered at this level.
Currently no courses offered at this level.
Currently no courses offered at this level.
Currently no courses offered at this level.
Follow the links for more information on the NORDEFCO course partner nations.
To be updated
Partner countries covers all expenses related to travel and accommodation. There is no course fee for partner countries.
The course administration can be contacted for help needed concerning accommodation, transport, etc. More information and signing up for courses is done by contacting the course administration at fak-ktp-studiekon@mil.dk.
Partner countries covers all expenses related to travel and accommodation. There is no course fee for partner countries.
The course administration can be contacted for help needed concerning accommodation, transport, etc.
Student administration office
More information and signing up for courses is done by contacting the course administration at opintoasiainosasto.mpkk@mil.fi