[Originally published by Royal Danish Defence College]

Three officers from the Academy of Military Science (AMS) in Beijing and four officers and one civilian from the Danish Defence present their views on the objectives of UN peacekeeping operations and to what extent they contribute to peace and stability. Under this headline, the authors analyse the problems and benefits produced by the efforts to address global security issues by means of peacekeeping operations which involve formal objectives of promoting security in countries and regions wrecked by violence.
The book addresses to what extent informal objectives emerging from individual, national and regional interests and values are at odds with UN aspirations to promote peace and security. The book includes contributions on the reasons that peacekeeping operations often achieve very little in terms of peace and stability from Danish and Chinese peacekeeping perspectives; Danish and Chinese contributions to development and stability in East Africa; the importance of intelligence for successful peacekeeping; the problems of adopting a liberal approach to state-building; a discussion of non-traditional security threats and the extent to which peacekeeping has succeeded in addressing these threats; and an analysis of the multinational UN operation to remove Syria’s chemical weapons.

The prefaces of the book have been written by Major General Chen Rongdi from AMS and Rear Admiral Nils Christian Wang from the Royal Danish Defence College.

Download the book here