[Oprindeligt publiceret af Forsvarsakademiet]

Jeff D. Colgan er Lektor i Statskundskab og Internationale Studier ved Richard Holbrooke og direktør for Security Studies ved Watson Institute of International and Public Affairs ved Brown University. 

Colgan vil i sit oplæg komme ind på, hvordan den liberale internationale verdensorden har været en ekstraordinær succes, men også hvordan det er blevet selvdeterminerede i de senere år - dels ved at bidrage til øget økonomiske ulighed og dels på grund af selvtilfredse eliter.

Dertil vil Colgan særligt fokusere på, hvilken betydning valget af præsident Donald J. Trump og konsekvenserne af Brexit vil have for dynamikkerne i den liberale verdenorden.

Efter præsentationen vil der være en Q&A-session i 30 minutter, hvor publikum har mulighed for at stille spørgsmål.

Tid og sted
Arrangementet foregår torsdag d. 4. april 2019, kl. 13.15-14.15 i bygning 75, auditoriet, på Svanemøllens Kaserne. Det er åbent for alle med interesse i forsvars- og sikkerhedspolitik og vil foregå på engelsk.

Du kan tilmelde dig ved at sende en e-mail til phje@fak.dk med dit fulde navn og institutionelle tilhørsforhold. Tilmeldingsfristen er d. 29. marts 2019.


We have the pleasure of inviting you to a talk by Jeff D. Colgan on April 4, 2019.
Dr. Colgan is the Richard Holbrooke Associate Professor of Political Science and International Studies, and the Director of Security Studies at the Watson Institute of International and Public Affairs, at Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island. He researches international order, oil and energy politics, climate change, and international security. 

Dr. Colgan will address the question of how the liberal international order has been an extraordinary success in certain ways, but also how it has become self-defeating – partly by contributing to deepening economic inequality and the politics of outrage that follow from it, and partly because of missteps by self-satisfied elites.

Three broad visions have emerged about what to do about it. The first is to cling to yesterday’s liberal order; the second is to rip it down, following populists like U.S. President Donald Trump and Brexit proponents; and the third is a progressive counter-revolt. Each of these visions is incomplete, because they fail on at least one of three criteria for long-term political sustainability.

A robust international order must meet all three criteria: share the wealth within liberal societies, harness international cooperation to address global challenges like climate change, and respect national communities. One way to meet these goals, perhaps the only way in the current environment, is to pursue differentiated, multi-speed cooperation. With the passing of the post-Cold War unipolar moment, the United States and its allies cannot afford a monolithic vision for world order. 

Time and place
The event will take place on Thursday, April 4 from 13:15 to 14:15 at the Royal Danish Defence College at Svanemøllens Kaserne, Ryvangs Allé 1, 2100 København Ø, Auditorium in building 75. The event will be held in English.

To register, please send an e-mail to phje@fak.dk with your name and institutional affiliation. The deadline for registration is March 29.