Military History and Gender
Over the last decade discussions about gender perspectives on military history and the apparent absence of women from military history (especially from "battlefield studies") have taken place in several countries; most vividly in Great Britain.
Consequently, the College and the Commission organise a public seminar on 27. March 2017 devoted to the topic Gender and Military History. The seminar consists of two parts: During the morning two English-speaking experts will address the issue from non-Danish perspectives, and during the afternoon a Danish-speaking panel will look specifically at Denmark.
Programme, Part I:
09.00-09.15 Welcome by Dr Niels Bo Poulsen, Director of the Institute of Military History and War Studies and Member of the Board of the Danish Commission for Military History
09.15-10.15 Professor Christa Hämmerle, University of Vienna: The relevance of gender in military history and the development of military history and gender history primarily in German-speaking countries.
10.15-10.30 Coffee Break
10.30-11.30 Professor Frederik Eriksson, Försvarshögskolan, Stockholm: A historical Perspective on Masculinity in International Operations vs. National Defence.
11.30-12.00 Panel debate
12.00-13.00 Break for lunch (can be bought in the Cafeteria)
Program, Del II:
13.00-13.10: Velkomst ved Inge Adriansen, ph.d., adj. professor, Institut for Grænseregionsforskning, SDU
13.10-14.00: Beate Sløk Andersen, ph.d.-stipendiat, Saxo-instituttet, Københavns Universitet:
Militære organisationer og forsvarsarbejde fra et kønsforskningsperspektiv
14.05-14.55: Jeanette Varberg, ph.d., museumsinspektør, Moesgaard Museum:
Kvinders rolle i oldtidens krige.
14.55-15.10: Kaffepause
15.10-16.00: Rosanna Farbøl, ph.d., ekstern lektor, Institut for Kultur og Samfund, Aarhus Universitet: Den kolde krig i dansk historiekultur.
16.00-16.15: Kaffepause
16.15-17.00: Paneldiskussion
Public Seminar, Royal Danish Defence College/
Danish Commission of Military History, Military History and Gender
Tid: 27.03.2017, 09.00-17.00
Sted: Forsvarsakademiet, Svanemøllens Kaserne: Institut for Sprog og Kultur (ISK), Auditorium Gram, Bygning 75
Sign up no later than 20. march at