[Originally published by Royal Danish Defence College]

Over the last decade discussions about gender perspectives on military history and the apparent absence of women from military history (especially from "battlefield studies") have taken place in several countries; most vividly in Great Britain.

Consequently, the College and the Commission organise a public seminar on 27. March 2017 devoted to the topic Gender and Military History. The seminar consists of two parts: During the morning two English-speaking experts will address the issue from non-Danish perspectives, and during the afternoon a Danish-speaking panel will look specifically at Denmark.

Programme, Part I:
09.00-09.15 Welcome by Dr Niels Bo Poulsen, Director of the Institute of Military History and War Studies and Member of the Board of the Danish Commission for Military History
09.15-10.15 Professor Christa Hämmerle, University of Vienna: The relevance of gender in military history and the development of military history and gender history primarily in German-speaking countries.
10.15-10.30 Coffee Break
10.30-11.30 Professor Frederik Eriksson, Försvarshögskolan, Stockholm: A historical Perspective on Masculinity in International Operations vs. National Defence.
11.30-12.00 Panel debate
12.00-13.00 Break for lunch (can be bought in the Cafeteria)

Program, Del II:
13.00-13.10: Velkomst ved Inge Adriansen, ph.d., adj. professor, Institut for Grænseregionsforskning, SDU
13.10-14.00: Beate Sløk Andersen, ph.d.-stipendiat, Saxo-instituttet, Københavns Universitet:
Militære organisationer og forsvarsarbejde fra et kønsforskningsperspektiv
14.05-14.55: Jeanette Varberg, ph.d., museumsinspektør, Moesgaard Museum:
Kvinders rolle i oldtidens krige.
14.55-15.10: Kaffepause
15.10-16.00: Rosanna Farbøl, ph.d., ekstern lektor, Institut for Kultur og Samfund, Aarhus Universitet: Den kolde krig i dansk historiekultur.
16.00-16.15: Kaffepause
16.15-17.00: Paneldiskussion

Public Seminar, Royal Danish Defence College/
Danish Commission of Military History, Military History and Gender

Tid: 27.03.2017, 09.00-17.00
Sted: Forsvarsakademiet, Svanemøllens Kaserne: Institut for Sprog og Kultur (ISK), Auditorium Gram, Bygning 75

Sign up no later than 20. march at ansc2@fak.dk